Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, India unveiled the poster and trailer of its first live action Hindi feature film - ZOKKOMON. Darsheel Safary, ZOKKOMON'S lead actor, a popular child actor in India and Satyajit Bhatkal, Director of ZOKKOMON and the National Bravery Award winners unveiled the first poster and trailer of the movie at a press event in New Delhi.
The star cast for ZOKKOMON would have Darsheel Safary in the lead along with Anupam Kher and Manjiri Phadnis. The music of the movie has been composed by the famous trio Shankar, Ehsaan, Loy with Javed Akhtar's lyrics.
The Screenplay of the movie is given by Lancy Fernandes, Svati Bhatkal, Satayjit Bhatkal and Choreography by Shiamak Davar, Raju Sundaram. The movie is scheduled for May 2010 release.
ZOKKOMON is an action adventure film about an ordinary boy who rises to meet extraordinary challenges. Kunal, played by Darsheel Safary, is an orphaned boy, who discovers how cruel life is when he is abandoned by his heartless uncle. Left to fend for himself, Kunal discovers the hero within and begins his epic journey of adventure and transformation to become ZOKKOMON. ZOKKOMON is the thrilling and heart-warming live action adventure of an ordinary boy who finds the strength to face extraordinary challenges.
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