Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn in 3D

As ongoing negotiations are still made with regards to the cast’s salary here is another update for the Twilight Fans out there. Summit Entertainment is making final arrangement as to make the hit movie franchise of Twilight the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn in 3D.As we all know that movie trends today are gearing up for 3D animated movies and which brought more viewers to the film.

I think that Summit Entertainment are also gearing up for the new trend in the movie industry. This move could give the franchise a more income obviously because of the higher ticket prices and on the other side it could also attract more viewer to watch the film. But negotiations are still on the process and final decisions are still being made. One things for sure thatTwilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is definitely a two part movie. So for those Twilight Fans here is a news for you Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is set to be released this 2011.


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